NYU Writing Workshops

NYU Writing Workshops  -For those families who live in the New York area, here is an interesting link to a series of workshops NYU offers to high school students to prepare for college.  They call it ‘NYU High School Academy’.   Making it to college is not only about presenting good grades and filling out the applications, but also about the ‘right’ writing and submitting an excellent compelling essay.  In essence, knowing how to write a well composed essay is a skill not only essential for being admitted to college, but it is a useful life skill to succeed in many professional careers.

Being able to write an essay with a clear message that communicates to the reader that the author is writing about her/his own ideas is very important. Too often students write essays that are too generic. By generic I mean that essay topics do not reveal a personal connection to the student.  Another weakness is that many students seem to suffer from writers’ block. They do not know how to bring their point across and deliver a well thought out essay. These workshops are a good start to help break the writers’ block. They will also provide skills on how to write college papers. Does your child still need a good essay idea?  Does your child face writers’ block and doesn’t know where to start?  Do your child’s writing skills need improvement?

Check out NYU writing workshops, they are an affordable alternative to catch up on your kid’s writing skills and make progress on the college application process.

For more information follow this link:

Counselors at Louis Educational Consulting know first hand the importance of a strong essay in the college admissions process. Hence, we make it our goal that our clients get the best advice regarding getting college entrance preparation. Our office is located Located in White Plains, a northern part of Westchester, NY.

NYU Writing Workshops for the Spring 2015 will certainly help improve your child’s ability to write a good essay for college admissions.

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