1. My grades are bad, can I still apply to a university?
The short answer is Yes. However, a student must have reasonable expectations to find the right fit institution. For instance, most European universities require a student only to graduate from high school to gain access to university.
If studying in the U.S. is a student’s top choice, that requires a more thoughtful discussion. It is best to sit down with an expert who fully understands the admissions process. He will guide you to find the right fit institution that matches your learning style and academic goals.
2. How do I get accepted to my top school?
If you intend to study at universities outside of the U.S. or North America, getting good grades is the easiest way to prepare for admission. Also, you would write a personal statement stating why you want to study your chosen subject and the training/courses that prepare you to study it.
Grades alone are not enough for students looking for admission to U.S. universities. To be admitted to your top choice, your admissions application must include SAT or ACT scores, grades, a personal essay, as well as supplemental essays for some institutions.
In addition, you will need to secure letters of recommendation; usually one will be from a school guidance counselor. I recommend you ask teachers who know you well enough for a recommendation as they can speak highly of your character as a person as well as your academic potential.
3. Is an Ivy League education for me?
The answer is it depends. While an Ivy League education is considered the best a student can receive, it is not for everyone. First, it is for students who focus predominantly on their academics. Second, if you are a student-athlete or for example a student who is not strong academically, you will not do well at an Ivy League institution. Third, such institutions are very competitive to get in as their acceptance rates are meager. Many of them only accept less than 5 percent from sometimes 30+ thousand applications.
4. Can I take a gap year and still get into a college or university?
Yes, you can. A gap year usually helps students to mature, and grow as a person while discovering themselves. That also helps them to decide on what work environment they’d like to spend their adult life or working careers.